What are modules?#🠑
A module is a file which runs code scoped only to that file, and “exports” a discrete and consistent number of items for use in another file. This usually meaning storing all logic in functions, and then calling those functions from other files so that the logic inside may be run.
Putting your code into modules allows you to component-ize
your code. Instead of one gigantic block of code, or an
unending dplyr
sentence, you can divide your code up into
sections, place them in their appropriate files, and
recombine them.
Here’s an example of what the pattern could look like in R. Don’t worry too much about the syntax, it’ll be explained later.
scrape_data <- source("scrape_data.R")$value
clean_string_cols <- source("clean_string.R")$value
clean_numeric_cols <- source("clean_numeric.R")$value
run_model <- source("run_model.R")$value
my_model <- scrape_data() %>%
clean_string_cols() %>%
clean_numeric_cols() %>%
, clean_string.R
, clean_numeric.R
, and run_model.R
don’t run any actual analysis or process data.
Instead, they express high-level logic to run code by
defining a single function. When you import them with source
, you assign those functions to functions you can
use in an assembler or index file.
There are two benefits here: readability and reproduciblility.
Someone reading the index file doesn’t have see the minutia
of what’s going on; they see the abstractions and conceptual
meaning of the code through the names the writer gave it.
Instead of seeing that R download a web page with rvest
and look for long and undecipherable Xpath or CSS tags, they
see scrape_data
, and sees that R scrapes data. Instead of
seeing that R parse a complicated regular expression to pull
out patterns from strings, they see that R scrapes string
data. And so on.
When the user wants to see what is actually going on, they can simply open up the imported files and see the logic of that component. They don’t have to look at the web scraping hen they want to understand the data cleaning. They don’t have to look at the data cleaning if they want to understand the model. Logic is broken up into chunks, organized into functions in files and made interpretable through naming.
Perhaps most magical at all, we are now well on our way to self-documenting code. We don’t have to write a comment saying “this code scrapes data from XYZ, cleans it by doing ABC, and runs PQR model.” The names of our functions naturally imply this, and in the files defining each function, comments can similarly be omitted or be made considerably shorter through this form of expressive code.
Finally, the sort of converse of this process of making code easier for readers to understand, is that it also forces the writer to understand their own code. It requires the writer to take a step back and analyze the logic of their code instead of focusing on small details, and organize their code in a way that expresses that logic. Organizing requires reflecting; reflecting leads to understanding.
Firstly, by making your code more readable, you make your code reproducible. That is fairly intuitive, I don’t really know how to explain it other than that.
But this pattern offers more reproducible code with two items: scoped environments and pipe-able code. Let’s take a look at a contrived example of how a programmer might write code with and without the tidyverse:
dta <- read.csv("path_to_data.csv")
new_col <- dta$old_col * 2
dta$new_col <- new_col
dta <- dta[new_col > 5]
dta <- dta["new_col"]
# compare this to
dta <- read_csv("path_to_data.csv") %>%
mutate(new_col = old_col * 2) %>%
filter(new_col > 5) %>%
You might notice that there are some readability improvements that the pipe brings, letting you chain things together and connecting logic. The pipe is like the word “and” in English, connecting logical parts of code together in ways we can more easily understand.
But it also makes code more reproducible because it forces
there to be only one way to run the code. If the programmer
ran dta <- read.csv(..)
, then immediately ran dta <- dta["new_col"]
, things would break; R doesn’t
recognize “new_col”. Even worse, if you forgot to run dta[new_col > 5]
before running dta["new_col"]
, your
code would run but not in the way you meant it to. Your data
would have more rows without telling you anything went
wrong, maybe leading to more difficult problems later.
Finally, if you had an object already defined called new_col
in the global environment, it has now been
overwritten, preventing you from calling back to it and
potentially leading to a mistake if you did not realize this
The pipe solves this issue by turning many commands into one. With the pipe, there is no way to run a chain of commands besides all of them. There are no intermediary variables, no ways to overwrite an existing dataset or object. You cannot mess up the order, because the pipe does not let you. In the modules pattern example, the pipe similarly forces a single way to run your code: in order, producing a single object at the end.
This is a somewhat contrived example. Experienced R users
might think that of course it makes sense to run all of your
code in order; of course it makes sense to manage your
environment, perhaps with a generous helping of rm(list=ls())
. But the truth is that as you write more
code, this becomes harder and harder. Projects with hundreds
of lines of code or much more can get out of hand. You might
clean many datasets, you might have to run many types of
models, endlessly overwriting variablaes called dta
or mod
. If you didn’t overwrite them, things might be even
messier, with the creation of variables like mod_with_controls_propensity_weights_logged
A crude rule of thumb: the more intermediary objects you have in your global environment, the less likely it is for your code to be reproducible.
Two devices help with this issue. The first is the pipe, as shown above. But the second are scoped environments, where variables created do not modify the global environment. Here’s an example:
x <- 1
my_function <- function(y){
x <- 2
here contains its own scope; even though it
creates a variable called x
, the global environment knows
nothing about it and is not bothered. When you have to make
intermediary variables, doing them inside of these scoped
areas can be helpful for preventing leakage to other
The pipe and scoped environments work together. If you have
functions to contain scope but not a pipe, you might still
be making intermediary variables when you might not want
them. If you use pipes but no functions, then at some points
you run the risk of running long pipe chains that become
undecipherable. You might also run into cases where you
cannot use a pipe because a package you’re using just
doesn’t work well with it; spreg
is one common example for
me. In these cases, if you do not have scoped environments
to contain them, you have to put items in the global
The modules pattern puts these together. You write functions that possibly contain their own intermediary variables, but they don’t leak out to the global scope. The global scope sees only these functions,
A common reason people advocate for this style of coding in programming in general is because it means one piece of code can be reused many times. To some extent this is also useful in R; for example, if you are writing a report and want to have a consistent style, it’s useful to have a theme defined somewhere. This way, you can change the styling for many graphics with a single change:
theme_report <- function(base_size = 12, base_family = "Lato"){
theme_bw(base_size = base_size, base_family = base_family) +
theme(<more code here>)
To be honest, this doesn’t really apply to most of the projects I work on, since much of my code is only meant to run once. I have to write code for a specific dataset that has specific problems, often problems that will appear nowhere else.
Having reusable code would be supremely helpful for larger projects, though, when you repeat a common task many differnt times. New Haven nonprofit DataHaven, for example, absolutely needs reusable code for its town-level reports, so that it can repeat one general set of analyses for all of the towns in Connecticut.
Even if you do not care about reusing your code elsewhere, I hope the benefits of readability (naming and separating your logic) and reproducibility (keeping your code contained to its own environment) convince you of the usefulness of the module pattern.
Modularizing your code#🠑
Step one: place your code into functions, and those functions in files#🠑
# module.R
clean_data <- function(.data){
.data %>%
filter(<stuff>) %>%
pivot_wider(<more stuff>) %>%
select(<other logic>)
This is the fairly straightforward step. Cut parts of your
code and place them in separate files. Wrap them in calls to function
, and name those functions with what you see fit.
To be pipeable, the functions should receive a data.frame as
their first argument and return a data.frame. To fit
tidyverse conventions, you can name the first argument .data
At this stage, you can also think about the generalizability or the specificity of your code. If you are writing logic that may be repeated several times elsewhere, you might want to add additional parameters to your functions so that they can be used in different and flexible ways. If you don’t want to, this step can take less than a minute.
Step two: give each file their own scope#🠑
This can be fairly tricky, and exposes R’s lack of a native module system.
The intuitive way to separate code into files in R is to
simply call source
. The problem is that within each file,
unwated logic may leak out into files that call them.
# submodule.R
clean_data <- function(.data){
vaidate_data <- function(.data){
# module.R
process_data <- function(.data){
clean_data(.data) %>%
<other logic>
Here, module.R
only uses clean_data
, but it has access
to validate_data
as well. What if validate_data
overwrites a function with the same name?
A similar example:
# index.R
Suppose extra_cleaners.R
exports another function called clean_data
. Then the process_data
function from module.R
would not work as intended, because it would use
the clean_data
defined in extra_cleaners
and not submodule
Of course, this is a contrived example. You might be able to simply name your functions descriptively and specifically, and avoid this problem. But as stated above, for large projects this can get out of hand, and your variables might become unreasonably long.
The “R” way to do this is to use the local()
while writing a module and local = TRUE
flag while
importing it.
# module.R
clean_data <- source("submodule.R", local = TRUE)$value
process_data <- function(.data){
clean_data(.data) %>%
<other logic>
# index.R
process_data <- source("index.R", local = TRUE)$value
alternate_cleaner <- source("extra_cleaners.R", local = TRUE)$value
<more code>
evaluates an expression in its own scope. If the
last expression in local()
is the definition of an object,
it’ll put that object in an $value
. source
ing a file
with a local
wrapper will produce an object with that $value
attribute; getting it will get the function we
For some strange reason, source
doesn’t seem to respect local
, and instead runs code in the global environment by
default. local = TRUE
fixes this.
With this syntax, the clean_data
function that process_data
uses will always belong to the submodule.R
environment, and will not be overwritten no matter what is
called in the parent environment.
There are two disadvantages here. This first is that it is a
bit wordy. Do we really have to call local = TRUE
time? Or $value
every time? That seems like a hassle. I’m
not sure if there are any alternatives to local = TRUE
but $value
has two alternatives. The first is the assign
function, which can target the parent environment:
# module.R
source("submodule.R", local = TRUE)
process_data <- function(.data){
clean_data(.data) %>%
<other logic>
assign("process_data", process_data, pos = 2)
# index.R
source("module.R", local = TRUE)
# now process_data can freely be used here
The key argument here is pos = 2
, which specifies the
parent environment of module.R
The drawback to this is that exports cannot be renamed;
another file exporting process_data
in this way will
overwrite this one. It’s a bit better than calling source()
with local()
, since we still have some sense of
containers, but we are still left with the possibility of
conflict. I don’t recommend this.
Another alternative is to use an immediately invoked function expression, or IIFE. This was popular in languages like JavaScript a few years ago. It goes like this:
# module.R
source("submodule.R", local = TRUE)
process_data <- function(.data){
clean_data(.data) %>%
<other logic>
# index.R
process_data <- source("module.R", local = TRUE)
A function wrapped is created, but immediately invoked by
wrapping the declaration in parentheses and inserting a pair
of parentheses after the declaration. The wrapper
parentheses tell R “evaluate what’s inside and give me the
result”, which will simply give back a function, and the
parentheses at the end tell R to invoke that function. The
anonymous function will then return process_data
, and when
called from another file allows it to be reassigned to
another variable if necessary. This is pretty close to local()
, and avoids the $value
syntax, but I’m not sure
if it’s any easier to read or write. Your preference!
The second drawback of this pattern is that you can only have one export per file. We can force our way into having multiple functions defined in a single file by putting them all in a single list:
# module.R
clean_data <- source("submodule.R", local = TRUE)$value
process_data <- function(.data){
clean_data(.data) %>%
<other logic>
clean_data <- function(.data){
<more stuff>
list(process_data = process_data, clean_data = clean_data)
# index.R
process_data <- source("module.R")$value$process_data
clean_data <- source("module.R")$value$clean_data
Unfortunately, that’s still a bit wordy and obtuse.
The other slightly annoying part of this is in loading libraries. To be truly scoped, we want to load a library only for a particular module. There isn’t really a nice way to do this. You can technically load a library, execute code, and detach the library if needed:
# module.R
clean_data <- source("submodule.R", local = TRUE)$value
process_data <- function(.data){
already_has_dplyr <- ("package:dplyr" %in% search())
result <- clean_data(.data) %>%
<other logic>
if(!already_has_dplyr) detach("package:dplyr")
But this to me is unreasonable and makes code harder to read and write, not easier.
The alternative is to use the ::
notation, and use dplyr::select
and so on. This is what Google recommends in
their R style guide.
For infix functions like %>%
, you can import them with %>% <- purrr::%>%
. There’s likely a way to do this for
methods too, so that functions like plot
and so on work
properly. But these strategies to me are still messy and
make code harder to read and write. I recommend either
loading libraries at the top of files that actually execute
functions and nowhere else, or at the top of every file that
uses a call to a function. You can also use the conflicted
package if you are worried about this scenario.
In any case, here is the point where we reach the ends of R. R doesn’t have a built-in module system, so trying to manage scopes ourselves sometimes doesn’t mesh well with the rest of R syntax.
Step three: organize an index file#🠑
Step one might be all you need to organize your code, and step two might be all you need to keep your code squeaky clean. But once you have your code organized into functions, you usually need to write a few lines of code to actually execute your code. We can finally write the code that I placed at the top of this doc:
scrape_data <- source("scrape_data.R")$value
clean_string_cols <- source("clean_string.R")$value
clean_numeric_cols <- source("clean_numeric.R")$value
run_model <- source("run_model.R")$value
my_model <- scrape_data() %>%
clean_string_cols() %>%
clean_numeric_cols() %>%
And that’s it! Thanks for reading :)
The caveats of this method were mentioned above, but in sum:
- it’s a bit messy
- libraries and namespaces are difficult to manage
The patterns described here are usable, but you might be interested in any of the following approaches for when you decide to write code.
R markdown#🠑
Won’t writing your code in Rmarkdown files, knitting as necessary, and potentially including child documents be better? Yep, this is a totally viable option. It sometimes won’t work in situations like package development, or wouldn’t be the right choice if you’re running a data analysis pipeline in production (there’s no need for a pandoc render step to slow you down), but it can be the right choice in many other situations.
It can also be combined with this approach: write all of your logic in plain R scripts through the modules pattern, and use the R markdown file as an index file to combine all of them together. This way, you can use R markdown to focus on a narrative about your analysis and use the R modules to containerize the code. You can definitely annotate the code itself by writing the modules in R markdown, but it can often be cleaner to have simply self-documenting code through named logic in plain R files.
Third-party packages#🠑
There are some packages created to handle this pattern,
namely the box
package and
the import
These provide ways to import functions from scripts and packages into aliased forms without altering the search path. If you don’t mind adding a dependency to your package or project, these are great.
Writing your own personal package#🠑
I’ve seen this suggested in a few StackOverflow posts. It works for some and not for others; the break point is up to you.
One note is that modularizing your code can be thought of as a precursor to creating a package for it. You’ve already separated your code into named functions, a package is just a few steps more than that.
A second note is that packages handle the messy library situation quite well, being able to use functions from other libraries without adding them to the search path or masking existing functions.