The scenario: you are an academic, journalist, artist, or other party (not necessarily an engineer) that is building a site to visualize data you’ve collected.
The problem: You are struggling to put together a snappy website. Data takes a long time to load, every user interaction takes a while, and it’s confusing to the user why these things might be. Many problems endemic to web projects as a whole become compounded when any more than the smallest dataset is introduced, and that can be frustrating.
The solutions, or at least seven of them, will be uncovered in this post.
And a foreword: This post is not for engineers or for industry leaders in data viz and web development, that can spend time iterating on architectures and have the know-how to optimize their visualizations by default.1 This post is instead for those who are looking for high-level guides, strategies, and easy rules of thumb to follow that don’t require architectural changes to websites. And especially for people for whom “running a server” can be intimidating and overcomplicate things, because of any of limited expertise, limited hours, or limited manpower. There are still lots of easy and responsible ways to get your story out there!
These tips are organized “chronologically:” from the steps your (potential) server uses to give data to the actual user experience. They’re also non-authoritative, non-comprehensive, and brief — tips to give you food for thought, with linked resources for further reading.
Slim and reshape your data#🠑
This first step should be done even before you touch any code on the server or UI. It comes down to two main strategies: eliminating overall size, and shifting computation to build-time or before rather than executing at runtime.
You can make your data smaller through strategies both simple and complex. We can always try to eliminate unused variables, which is easy enough and has substantial reward. But there are also some more complex strategies that take time and expertise to learn about or to execute well. For example, geographic data in particular can result in large data files, since encoding each coordinate of complex boundaries requires simply a lot of coordinates. We can fix this by “simplifying” our shapes to use a lower resolution, or we can truncate each coordinate so that they consume a smaller number of bytes. That means subjective decisions about what resolution or precision is necessary. We also can decide to use a compression format for geographic data, like TopoJSON, or even further with methods like Geographic Feature Encoding (GFE), Indexed Coordinate Encoding (ICE), or Topological Arc Encoding (TAE), each of which can help reduce verbosity and repetition but which must be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Geographic data is used as an example here for where data files are simply too large, but there are many other scenarios when data must be compressed or reworked to reduce size.
Secondly, you can shift time-intensive tasks to build-time and save the results. This helps firstly so that client requests only cost as much time as it takes to do a disk read, and secondly so that both the server and client browser aren’t overloaded with extraneous work, potentially making your site slow and unusable on low-memory devices.
Stream your data#🠑
Even after you slim down your data and make it as small as possible, your dataset may take a while to download. You can address this by streaming your data, that is, sending data bit by bit and trying your best to show something to the user as soon as possible.
In my view, the “best” ways to show this rely on server-side code. This includes the server-sent events API, in which a server continually passes discrete “events” (data) to the client. You can also use the WebSockets API, essentially a more powerful and slightly more complex version that can pass data back and forth. WebSockets also supports sending binary data to the client, whereas server-sent events do not.
However, if you don’t run your own server, you can actually still stream your data! The best way to do so is to save
your data in formats like ndjson
CSV, that enable line-by-line reading. Some formats, like
the web-canonical JSON, are hard to conceptualize as a
stream because it is impossible to tell when one piece of
data begins and the next begins. Saving your data to the
newline-delimited JSON, or “ndjson,” format or the CSV
format solves this by letting you simply consider one line
as one piece of data. ndjson
is usually quite an easy
change to make, at least on your data pipeline side — it’s
just like JSON, but you put each record on a new line!
Then, without writing any server code, you can fetch
data and write some relatively simply rules to handle the
response packet-by-packet instead of waiting for all of the
data to load at once. Here’s a sketch:
const data = []
.then(response => handleStream(response))
function handleStream(response){
const reader = response.body.getReader(){done, value} => {
/* additional code to parse the response */
const newItem = ...
Now, every time a new piece of data is received, we can
simply use data.push(...)
to update our dataset, and call
a function to update the UI (here, that’s updateDataViz
For more on the “streams with fetch” pattern, see this article by Jake Archibald,
or use a utility like can-ndjson-stream
to wrap this for you (accompanying article here.
To me, NDJSON- and CSV-formatted streams are the easiest and most correct solutions to streaming data without a server. But if this isn’t attractive to you for any reason, there’s no problem! You can try out a more general no-server method in the streaming spirit, which is to simply use incremental fetch calls. For our initial render, we can simply fetch a very simplified set of data, and initiate another call once it is received to fetch another set of data. For example, let’s say we save our dataset into ten “buckets,” from ‘1.json’ to ‘10.json.’ Then we can “stream” them like this:
const data = []
function getData(datasetNumber) {
if (datasetNumber > 10) return
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((newData) => {
getData(datasetNumber + 1)
This fetches the ‘1.json’ file first, updates the UI, and initiates the call for ‘2.json’, which in turn fetches, updates the UI, and initiates the next call.
I’m not going to lie, this is a bit of cheating and an “incorrect” solution to the problem. It’s not “streaming” if streaming is a single source continually passing over data; this solution would actually request ten different sources in ten different fetches. Ten different fetches means ten times as much time establishing the connection and performing the TCP handshake. That means that fetching all of the data can actually take longer than if you were to simply fetch all at once. This gets worse for users with old hardware or (very) old browsers, which can limit the amount of connections at once.2 So you should do this cautiously, if at all.
But you get to load the first bit of data in up to ten times
less time than fetching it would take fetching it all at
once. Best of all, this is really easy to do; much easier
logistically than trying to get your own server (you can
just use a free Netlify or Github Pages plan), and easier
than trying to write custom streamers for the ndjson
CSV file formats. You don’t need a single extra library and
the simplest solutions can take less than ten lines of code.
If you’re still not convinced, you can still the general
principle of that snippet with you beyond the artificial
divisioning through which I presented it. Example: It makes
a lot of sense to fetch first the shapefiles for counties in
your data map’s viewport, perhaps only touching a handful of
files, and then scale up once you have data to show on the
Use the browser cache#🠑
After spending time coming up with a beautiful (or in some cases, extremely not beautiful) solution to fetch your data as fast and ergonomically as possible, the next step is to make sure the code you spent your heart and soul on is maybe never called again!
We do this by caching our data client-side. The first, and
more canonical, option is to use HTTP headers to tell your
browser to cache the fetched response. Specifically, you’d
want to set a high value for the max-age
option in the Cache-Control
, or writing in the word immutable
indicate that the data cached will never changed. If your
data has changed, you can
The specific ways to set these headers depends on your setup
and hosting provider, so I’d recommend doing (much) more
reading and investigating before going down this route. If
you’d rather not write your own headers, you can also use
the localStorage
API, which has a limit of around 5 to 10 megabytes depending
on what browser you use. If that isn’t enough and you don’t
mind writing even more (somewhat obtuse) code, you may also
consider the IndexedDB
route, which can have a much higher storage limit of 500Mb
or higher depending on your browser.
However, despite caching being a real and valid way to
ensure smooth user performance for your app, it may be worth
it to skip this step altogether. The oft-repeated aphorism
that “there are only two hard things in computer science:
naming things and cache invalidation” is especially
applicable here; it really can be hard to know when to fetch
and when to store. Most cloud hosting providers already
provide sensible defaults for the Cache-Control
header in the first place, and even if you choose to write
only JavaScript code, you still have to learn and work with
these headers that your provider writes onto your
transferred data. If you choose to go the JavaScript route
and don’t overwrite any headers, then even outside of cache
invalidation, your codebase can become unreasonably complex
with checks to localStorage
and the IndexedDB
everywhere. Finally, IndexedDB
in particular has an
infamously difficult and irregular API, which is an
especially unwelcome cost for small teams or those from
non-technical backgrounds.
So, it’s important to think critically about whether you really need a specific caching solution. Perhaps some other tips provide more bang for your buck — onwards!
Balance computational work on the server and client#🠑
That title offers more of a principle than a tip. “Balance” can be hard to achieve or even define in detail; the browser is really good for some things but putting too much weight on the browser can result in sluggish app experiences. Conversely, putting too much weight on the server may result in long wait times from the user. And of course, depending on your hosting provider you may be unable to make changes to your server at all.
But there are still some specific guidelines we can rely on to avoid overloading either the browser or the server.
Keep visualization work on the client, not the server
Some web frameworks3 depend on the server doing everything. For visualization, this sometimes means rendering a PNG or JPEG on the server and sending that over to the client. To me and likely many other web developers, this is an obscene misuse of the web and browser, as most browsers are actually pretty good at visualization. They do it fast, they can do it accessibly (if you cooperate), they can do it interactively, and they can do it (more) dynamically than server-based visualizations.4
Keep (most) modeling work on the server, not the client
The browser is fast, but processes like computing models are not ready to be done in the browser alone. They should be kept server-side, where they can rely on server-side languages like Python (and NumPy) and R (and tidymodels) to do things in a more paradigmatic and performant fashion.
(Try to) keep state changes on the client
A “state change” is a general concept involving any change on the UI. It can include anything from a new visualization (see the first point5), to a display showing what the user has clicked on, to the set of data the user has shifted their visualization port to.
As I stated above, many frameworks that data scientists and friends are familiar with — Django, Flask, Shiny — depend on the server generating and sending a response. If the user clicks on a new data point, the canonical method is to request that additional data from the server and send more HTML to the client. Instead of going this route, as long as it is possible, I recommend keeping everything on the client for these tasks. A network request is costly, and interactions like click events on a graph should have instantaneous results instead of waiting a second or more for a request to be sent and a response be received.
Be verbose about data operations#🠑
So far all of those tips have focused on technical problems and technical solutions. But data-heavy websites aren’t only technically difficult, in the end, and the solutions we offer can’t just rely on code either. So it’s also important to think about design decisions to help your site overcome the “bulky and slow” perception.
Firstly, be verbose. Lots of times in designing websites, it does well to be terse and concise, communicating through subtle iconography or simply maintaining an air on mystique. The word “verbose” even has a connotation of needless banality, that one is saying more than is needed. But for data websites, it does well to go straight back against that advice and simply be as verbose as possible. Users, even technical users, really have no idea what goes on behind the curtains when they go to your website, or why on earth it’s taking so long to see a single map. To them, your website is simply slow.
Being a little verbose can help remedy that: we inform the user that the website is not actually broken, that if the user just wait 1.3 seconds longer, they’ll see the healthcare information you were looking for. That things are happening behind the scenes constantly and steadily so that the user can see what they need. Simple messages and status updates, and associated color and iconography changes, can help.
We can also design a more verbose site through technical
means. This is one huge benefit of streams, and especially
formats like ndjson
that begin the stream by informing
(through response headers) the client of the total amount of
data that will eventually be sent over the wire. This lets
you add in accurate and specific loading bars instead of
generic spinners, and stagger UI changes depending on what
percent of data has been received.
Use the canvas#🠑
This tip is a lot less conceptual. Use the canvas for visualization. That’s it!
Let’s back up for a second to give background information.
Traditionally, most data visualizations on the web use the
DOM, or more specifically the scalable vector graphics (SVG)
data structure which could conveniently be embedded in the
DOM. Libraries like d3
made this approach popular, and it
is in fact a good strategy for many data visualizations. You
get a lot of things for free this way: zooming doesn’t
compromise detail or create fuzzy artifacts, it’s easier to
integrate text, accessibility can be delivered for free to
an extent, and you can bring all of your CSS styling and
transitions knowledge to SVG since it’s simply another
component in the DOM.
But when you are struggling for performance, and especially if you are working with animations, SVG transitions will feel sluggish fairly quickly. If you go to your browser’s developer tools and simulate a device with less computational power (in other words, any one of your users), you can feel this strain yourself. If you are in this position, there is almost a magical silver bullet for you: just use the HTML canvas. In my personal experience, from things like maps to force networks to plain old scatter plots, the canvas can easily add a safe 20fps to my sites.
Of course, “magical silver bullet” is a bit of a stretch. Code using the canvas is often more difficult to read or write since it does not use any of the traditional DOM APIs that web developers know. The accessibility benefits of SVG are lost immediately once you transition.6 These two points make an undeniably high price to transition to canvas code. And you should be most cautious of all of the fact that canvas might not solve your problem; canvas helps with rendering in a browser, but if your user becomes impatient while waiting for a model, or they are staring at a blank page while data loads, or you simply aren’t displaying a lot of data at once, then rendering is not the issue you need to solve in the first place. Some diagnostic profiling in the developer tools panel will help you answer this question to a good degree of confidence and can help you avoid sinking hours into a potentially unhelpful change to your codebase.
That being said, canvas is not that difficult to use once you learn it — just as many would say for the SVG model of building data graphics. And you can use the canvas incrementally, for example containing your most intense animations only, or holding only your non-interactive portions that are more easily dealt with in SVG. So give the canvas a try!
In a few years, I hope I can revise this comment to be use the GPU. There are already some promising libraries and WASM abstractions to harness the forthcoming Web GPU API. However, if the Web GPU ecosystem turns out anything like WebGL, I’ll say they’re a little too complicated for the pragmatists this post is aimed at.
Use requestAnimationFrame()#🠑
This last piece of advice is perhaps also the simplest. You,
or the animation library you use, might already be doing
this. And it might not even apply to you if you use CSS
transitions, or rely on d3
’s transition API for
your animations. But this tip is so simple and effective
that it deserves a mention. Use requestAnimationFrame
simply executes code, and queues more code to run as soon as
the browser can do it.7 That’s all it
does — it’s not even limited to animations alone. But
laying just underneath that simple appearance is an
extremely valuable offering — a consistent timing API, and
what is effectively asynchronous code.
Asynchronous animations are useful and necessary because they allow your animation cycles to without interfering with your site’s other functionality, from scroll behavior to button clicks. You probably hate it when you can’t click a button on a screen for some reason, or when clicking it doesn’t do what it usually does — that’s often because code that could be asynchronous isn’t, and the browser has to finish that non-asynchronous task before it could respond to the button press.
You can actually build your own asynchronously-run chains
simply with a bit of async
or Promise
syntax. But the
difference between those and requestAnimationFrame
is that requestAnimationFrame
provides standardized, accurate, and
precise timestamps for you to anchor your animations to.
Accurate timing is actually a nontrivial problem, with async
code in general, and with setInterval
and setTimeout
in particular; you can even incur drift over
time that makes all of your animations inconsistent and delayed. requestAnimationFrame
solves that. Although your modified
code won’t exactly run faster, and it’s not even truly
“asynchronous”8, it will allow your site to function
without blocking any other functionality and while giving
you accurate timing.
This addition can be as simple as:
function animate(time){
<lots of complicated logic>
And there you have it! A simple implementation to conclude what were hopefully seven simple and pragmatic tips for data websites.
- In fact, this post was heavily edited to be more pragmatic -- I originally commented on serverless functions, caring about your bundle size, and using Workers or even WASM modules to handle computation-heavy tasks. ↩
- Okay, I'm exaggerating a bit. The TCP handshake is reused after the initial connection to the site nowadays, and the point on parallel connections is also made better by multiplexed connection support in HTTP 2.0 and beyond, which most static hosting providers (probably yours) will use by default. ↩
- RShiny, I'm looking at you! ↩
- To the credit of many of these frameworks there has literally been no other way to get the visualization to the client. The `webR` project and the recently-presented "Shiny in the browser" conversion project attempts to solve this issue using WebAssembly. ↩
- and in fact I originally wrote the first point, keeping visualization work on the client, as part of this, but thought it so important that I gave it its own space. ↩
- This is a bit of a stretch, since large SVG visualizations lose the "freebie" accesssilbity hints they gain from being part of the DOM, and thus are pretty much on par with canvas-based visualizations. ↩
- To be more specific, it queues code to run **before the next repaint cycle**. ↩
- It just runs immediately before the next repaint cycle and thus allows your synchronous code to run unblocked until then. ↩